Our Allocation Process
“One of the things that we are incredibly passionate about and makes us stand out from other breeders is that we allocate puppies based on temperament, rather than new families choosing”
We understand that this doesn’t work for some families, but it’s something we have worked hard to make peace with since we implemented it in 2022, with great success and extremely positive feedback from all new owners of our puppies.
Although it is particularly important for the puppies that have a potential future as assistance & therapy dogs we believe it is invaluable for those going as family pets or companions.
The reason we are so strong on it is that every single puppy has a slightly different personality, as do the individual families reserving them, and for us it makes sense to align these wherever possible. Our puppies go to all kinds of new owners. An active family with young children will have totally different requirements to an older retired couple and if we can match that up with the new puppies personality it seemed madness that we wouldn’t.
The reason that it’s so important for us choose is that we know the puppies very well, in minute detail. Prospective families get a momentary snapshot in time during visits and often the puppy that appears to be super chill at the time of viewing might actually be the rowdy or more boisterous one who is merely recovering from their mad hour of running around just prior to the visit.
Alongside this we like to encourage prospective new owners to avoid gender preferences wherever possible, as the often incorrect beliefs around gender differences tend to be outweighed by the different individual temperaments of the puppies. As an example, one new owner may believe that girls are calmer, and therefore rule out all the boys from the allocating process, only for the ideal puppy to in fact be a boy and the family miss out.
It does however mean that we cannot accept colour preferences under any circumstances - the moment we are allocating based on aesthetic preferences our entire process and ethos goes out the window and it’s something we aren’t comfortable with. As we breed for health and temperament the last thing we want is to be in a position where we are breeding dogs purely for colour or aesthetic choices, as we have seen time and time again in the dog world how this has negatively impacted so many breeds.